Preparing to put your home on the market can be a daunting task. To help consolidate the to-do's during the pre-listing process, we've put together a checklist for the make-ready process.
Clean: have interior of house professionally cleaned or spend a few hours in “cleaning mode”This includes HVAC return vents, scouring showers and caulk, baseboards, fan blades, light fixtures, window treatments, etc
Depersonalize: remove personal items and highly-specific decor
Clear out all clutter (books, photos, knick-knacks)A good rule of thumb is to pack up half of everything that is sitting out
Simplify furnitureConsider storing any furniture that makes a room feel crowded; Create cozy conversation areas to help buyers see the functionality
Paint the walls or use Mr. Clean sponge for touch-ups
Do a lightbulb check to ensure all bulbs are functional
Remove all unnecessary items from kitchen counters
Keep closets as empty as possible
Neutralize decor: replace colorful decorative pillows and blankets with neutrals
Use baskets to keep pantry organized
Fresh white towels and bathmats in the bathroom; store shampoo, toothbrush, and other products in cabinets
•Power wash siding and walkways
•Hang easy-to-read house numbers
•Plant blooming flowers and fresh greenery
•Mow lawn, and reseed or add fresh sod as needed
•Wash windows
•Add fresh mulch in all flower beds
•Repaint or stain porch floors, as needed
•Freshen the entry with a clean doormat
•Trim shrubbery
•Clean outdoor furniture
•Hang easy-to-read house numbers
•Plant blooming flowers and fresh greenery
•Mow lawn, and reseed or add fresh sod as needed
•Wash windows
•Add fresh mulch in all flower beds
•Repaint or stain porch floors, as needed
•Freshen the entry with a clean doormat
•Trim shrubbery
•Clean outdoor furniture
•Place fresh flowers in the home
•Use scented candles
•Turn on all lamps and lights
•Play soft music through TV or sound system
•Take care of small repairs and updates such as leaky faucets or squeaky doors
•Use scented candles
•Turn on all lamps and lights
•Play soft music through TV or sound system
•Take care of small repairs and updates such as leaky faucets or squeaky doors
Some changes or repairs may be specific to your home. Contact your Moreland agent to determine what areas you should focus on to ensure your home is the most marketable it can be.